Large Groups
Whereas CVUU Small Groups typically consist of 5-10 members, our Large Groups are open to any number of people! You are welcome to join any of these groups or just stop by to check it out and connect with other CVUUs.
Large Groups include:
- Choir and Band:
- Meet Wednesdays at 6:00 pm (choir) and 7:00 pm (band) from September through May (with some breaks during holidays). Contact our Music Director Jessica Lieb or simply stop by!
- CUUPs (Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans):
- Meeting times vary. See our Facebook group for details.
- This group is looking for new leadership. Contact us if you’re interested!
- Mindfulness Meditation
- Meets each Sunday morning at 9:00 am. Though we invite all to join us on Zoom, we keep the access information private to avoid spammer and other potentially bad actors. Contact Kat in the office to learn how to access this group.
For more information about these groups, see the links provided in the descriptions above. For information about upcoming events for these groups, see the the CVUU calendar or CVUU Weekly Updates.