The Soul Matters theme for April is Interdependence.

Explore the theme along with us by considering these questions:

  • What aspect of nature did you connect with most meaningfully as a child? A dog? A horse? A tree? The ocean? Lightning bugs? The rain? A path in the woods?
  • Do you think age impacts the way we care for the interdependent web? Do you think age impacts the way we connect with the interdependent web?
  • Where do you feel your connection to nature in your body? What happens when that place of connection is stirred? What has that feeling of connection communicated to you most recently?
  • How has the place where you live shaped the way you understand and approach life? And yourself?

There are many different ways to engage with the Soul Matters curriculum at the CVUU.

This year’s Soul Matters small groups have already begun. Create your own small group by inviting a friend out for coffee and talking through the questions posed above.

Volunteer to work with our Children’s RE program, which also uses the Soul Matters curriculum. Contact our DCRE, Kate, to learn more about getting involved.

Keep an eye on our newsletters for an introduction to each month’s theme and info on when worship services or adult forums are being held on the Soul Matters topics.

Engage with our Facebook and Instagram posts on Soul Matters topics. Or start a conversation in our Facebook Group about the month’s topic.

Read the Weekly Update email for a new way to explore the monthly theme each week. If you don’t receive our Weekly Update email, contact Kat in the office to get signed up.