In the last few years, the CVUU has taken the following actions to further social justice in our community (this is likely not an exhaustive list):

Racism Issues
MLK Committee and participation in many of their events; promoting their events
Walk Across the Bridge and BLM rallies — promoting, participating
Jubilee Church Community Lunches
Adult Forums — on many topics related to racism
COSA groups (3) — monthly meeting with returning citizens for support and accountability

Income Inequality
Three workshops on income inequality
Food Pantry — thousands of dollars of money and goods
Little Free Library — hundreds of books
Community Meals
Book Fair
Adult Forums
Mitten Tree; other clothes, toys, and books collections
Participation in Interfaith Packing Food Backpacks event

LGBTQ Issues
Sponsor of PrideFest
Booth at PrideFest — cookies donated, booth staffed all day
Adult Forums — Homosexuality and the Bible, History of Gay Rights in the Cedar Valley, Gender 101
Eight-week workshop on gender

Adult Forum — Hidden Women in the Civil Rights Movement
Sex Trafficking workshop (cosponsored with other groups)
Monthly articles on the 19th Amendment centennial in newsletter

Equality of Education
Adult Forum about Iowa legislative issues re: schools

Election of Public Officials/Voting Equality
Get Out the Vote grant and party
Adult Forum — Book Discussion of Daring Democracy by Frances Moore Lappé and Adam Eichen
Mobilizing for Change Workshop with IUUWAN
Write-ins on issues at coffee hour
Encouraging voter registration at events

Disability Issues
Forum on interacting with blind people
Accessibility task force
Forum on accessibility issues at CVUU
New handicapped parking signs
Hearing assistance devices available

International Justice
Guest at Your Table Collection — thousands of dollars
Adult Forum on UUSC

Environmental Issues
Pollinator garden
Community education about pollinators
Forums on pollinators
Monthly column on environmental issues in CVUU newsletter

End of Life Issues
Attendance at Compassion and Choices Workshop
Attendance at Compassion and Choices Lobby Day; Pastor Emma spoke at event
Forum on Compassion and Choices

Social Action Collection
Each month, we collect a special donation for organizations chosen annually; every year, our congregation donates thousands of dollars. Past supported organizations have included: Community Meals, Planned Parenthood, Northeast Iowa Food Bank, Northeast Iowa Food Bank Garden, High Hopes program at Grin and Grow Childcare, CVUU Food Pantry, Family and Children’s Council, Retrieving Freedom, Iowa Abortion Access, Iowa Safe Schools, and the National Alliance on Mental Illness.

Other Events and Organizations We’ve Volunteered With
Elk Run School Library
Northeast Iowa Food Bank
Pedal Fest (at the Hearst Center)
North End Art and Music Fest
Cedar Valley Arboretum
Cedar Valley Trails Clean-Up
Pancake Breakfast for Hartman Reserve

The CVUU and its members as individuals are taking action on a variety of social justice issues!

For more information about specific social justice opportunities at and with the CVUU:

Learn how the Unitarian Universalist Association is addressing social justice issues on a national level.