Topic: sermon description

Racism in America

This will cover modern history of racism in America starting with the Eisenhower era forward to today.  (Source Material, Stamped With Racism: a History of Racism in America.)  Thoughtful and informative, this is the remainder of Bill’s previous reading from earlier periods, 1400-1955.

Pete Seeger: A UU Life

Pete Seeger (1919-2014) didn’t officially join a UU church until he was in his seventies, but he lived out UU principles throughout his life.  The service takes a brief look at his life, his music, and his activism.  Come prepared to sing!

Poetry Sunday

It’s that time again when we all get to share favorite poems or a poem that you’ve created.  The rules are simple enough.  Three minute time limit, no limitations on subject, but please consider taste (no potty words) and the listening audience when choosing.  Every reader gets one turn to read and more turns afterwards, … Continue reading Poetry Sunday